Facility Support

Expertise to handle logistics staffing details.

Know-how from the inside out.

Have you ever had a member of your team bogged down for hours trying to solve an issue they have had no experience in? That time could have been focused more productively elsewhere. Often logistical details can trip up the most capable team members.You can save time and money while achieving better results when you partner with Pillow Logistics. We have in-depth knowledge of airport transportation, desktop delivery, mailroom management, and overall support curation. We look forward to partnering with you to be a solution provider.

Expanding Your Team

Job descriptions. Interviews. On boarding. Turnover. These steps can eat up time and money in a company--especially when they have little or no expertise in the positions they are seeking to fill. This can be especially true of logistical staff management. Allow us to take on the burden. We have in depth knowledge of what it takes to support logistical processes and we will make sure you have a winning team. These included, but are not limited to: mailroom managers, drivers, warehouse administrators, project managers, inventory managers, and administrative technicians.


Overview of Facility Support Services

Airport logistics

Desktop delivery

Mailroom management

Support curation

Reach out today to discuss your options.

Mailroom Management Services

Pillow has contracted with clients to manage their company’s mailroom, receiving dock and inter campus desktop delivery.

Pillow offers a team of mail room clerks, receiving specialist and courier drivers to deliver inbound mail and small parcels through your campus or facility.

Pillow allows the client to dictate hours and days of service. Most mailrooms and receiving areas operate from 7am to 3pm.

Pillow offers mail processing services for specific clients.

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